Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy, page 1
This man as President of all the Presidents of each Scientific Field, is a militant proponent of Lucifer.
At the end of this first YouTube segment of his Lucifer Effect, you will hear him say without hesitation or shame:
Not only does he paraphrase Eve in a very unexpected way, but he also presents himself formally as a vindicator of the much maligned Lucifer!
What is interesting about that metaphor is that it translates graphically into the opening picture of Lucifer tempting mankind with the apple in the mention by then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld which is shown in a cartoon in the opening image of part 3:
In the above video at minute 2:55 he talks about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and he goes on to how one can get a "Two for One" deal by obtaining a similar result without drugs and also getting once good people to become "Perpetrators of Evil"... it is a role you play, but what happens is that if you play it long enough, often enough, you think it is you."
In a later segment he even goes so far as to present in visual format what looks very much like a HOW TO GUIDE to bring forth Evil:
Returning to the organization which "elected" to choose this individual to preside over all its presidents, we can examine its announced purpose and objectives, which can be found on their website.
The Council of Scientific Society Presidents - The Nation's Leading Center for Development of Science Leadership and Science Policy
They clearly announce that they seek to develop "Science Leadership" and seek to centralize "Science Policy".
Yet for all intents and purposes, science is led by a quest for truth and knowledge, and not by some tentacular organization meeting twice a year in Washington D.C.? Also, the policy of science is to research, and not to be subject to centralized policy groups based in Washington.
Among their announced objectives, the following figure:
While we cannot state for certain what their Agenda is exactly, I find it eloquent that among all the scientists in the USA they chose as the leader of the leaders, for President of the Presidents, a man who whites a book featuring on its cover Lucifer adorned with an angelic Halo and who states in public:
"Part of my mission is to recover the reputation of Lucifer."
Minute 1:05
"Let me begin on April 28th, 2004, that's where The Lucifer Effect was born. Because, I was in Washington. I belong to an organization called The Council of Scientific Society Presidents. The President of every one of the 60 major scientific societies, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, etc., etc., and Psychology, it's the only soft, soft science, meet twice a year there, and I was actually elected President of the group, so I was President of the Presidents."
At the end of this first YouTube segment of his Lucifer Effect, you will hear him say without hesitation or shame:
Minute 9:15
"The Devil proves he was right and GOD was wrong. How does he do it? He shows how easy it is to corrupt Adam and Eve. Have a little snakes, let's eat the apple. She eats the apple, she tells the guy "Hey, I ate the apple, you eat the apple too: I don't want to go down alone." And so, HE IS RIGHT! You should not honor Adam, because he is corruptible. So, that starts..."
"Part of my mission is to recover the reputation of Lucifer."
Not only does he paraphrase Eve in a very unexpected way, but he also presents himself formally as a vindicator of the much maligned Lucifer!
What is interesting about that metaphor is that it translates graphically into the opening picture of Lucifer tempting mankind with the apple in the mention by then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld which is shown in a cartoon in the opening image of part 3:
In the above video at minute 2:55 he talks about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and he goes on to how one can get a "Two for One" deal by obtaining a similar result without drugs and also getting once good people to become "Perpetrators of Evil"... it is a role you play, but what happens is that if you play it long enough, often enough, you think it is you."
In a later segment he even goes so far as to present in visual format what looks very much like a HOW TO GUIDE to bring forth Evil:

Returning to the organization which "elected" to choose this individual to preside over all its presidents, we can examine its announced purpose and objectives, which can be found on their website.
The Council of Scientific Society Presidents - The Nation's Leading Center for Development of Science Leadership and Science Policy
They clearly announce that they seek to develop "Science Leadership" and seek to centralize "Science Policy".
Yet for all intents and purposes, science is led by a quest for truth and knowledge, and not by some tentacular organization meeting twice a year in Washington D.C.? Also, the policy of science is to research, and not to be subject to centralized policy groups based in Washington.
Among their announced objectives, the following figure:
To perpetually enhance leadership skills development in the science community;
My Comments: Truth and knowledge are supposed to lead science, not the skills of a few key individuals placed in leadership positions. To seek the development of said skills implies that this organization aims to purposely orient science to fulfill an agenda other than truth and knowledge.
To develop an enduring network of past and present national leadership in science;
My Comments: They are purposely building an "Old Boy's Club" of leaders with bridges between the past hierarchs controlling scientific orthodoxy and their candidates for replacement, who are set on rails to pursue the same goals.
To provide communication and collaboration among the various scientific disciplines through the presidents of scientific societies;
My Comments: They clearly state they exist to organize all scientific bodies in a coordinated manner, the "bosses" of each discipline being channeled through this organization, with all scientists brought into cooperative synergy under the authority of their field specific presidents.
To deliberate and adopt public policy positions and act upon science research and education issues of national or international scope;
My Comments: They are gathered in order to unite their power and make them take common positions used to affect public policy, and this organization grants itself authority over research and education policy worldwide.
To develop ways to enhance the public understanding and appreciation of science;
My Comments: They are missioned to improve their own impact on the public mind, projecting a vision of reality through science, promoting it within and through their respective scientific disciplines, coordinating their broadcasts using innovative propagandist methods.
While we cannot state for certain what their Agenda is exactly, I find it eloquent that among all the scientists in the USA they chose as the leader of the leaders, for President of the Presidents, a man who whites a book featuring on its cover Lucifer adorned with an angelic Halo and who states in public:
"Part of my mission is to recover the reputation of Lucifer."
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